13 July 2019 Jackpot Spock Trail

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

Welcome to the Spock and Jackpot shitshow. We’ll be your lovely hares for this shitty trail. Get ready to Star Trek puns and hitting that lucky number 7.

Place: Back Parking Lot of Brooksider
Address: 12 W 63rd St. Kansas City, MO 64113
Circle Up: 2:00pm
Pack Away: 2:30pm
Hash Cash: $5 make you holla
Theme: Glitter!

Make sure you bring extra monies and your ID… this is Brookside after all, you never know what dive we might have you pop in.

06 July 2019 Cum As Your Favorite Hasher

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

Hare: BloodSport Fu*kMonkey
Meetup: 2 p.m.
Where: Blue River Greenway Trail:
10800 Blue River Rd, Kansas City, MO 64131
Hash Cash: $5

Hey wankers. I’m solo haring this trail, so it should be extra shitty.
Cum dressed as your favorite hasher. I want some truly glorious getups from y’all.
Please dress for shiggy. I would not recommend bringing your pup.