Meet 2:00, Pack Away 2:30
Hares: Black to the Cooter and Knope (CoMoTION H3)
Hash Cash: $5
Location: Tower Park
7500 Holmes Rd, Kansas City, MO 64131
Dress as the infamous individual of inappropriate incognito or your best attempt and let’s takeover this hot spot of gentrification in search for beer, binoculars, and booze.
Special Booze prize for the wanker that shows everyone what got these books banned by several schools!
27 October 2019 Celebration of Life Trail
Trail #43 Celebration of Life
Date: October 27 2019
Location: Hiway House Bar (not open until we come back)
4071 Prather Rd, Kansas City, MO 64116
Hash Cash: $10
Meet Time: 9:45am-10:00am
Hare away:10:15am
Pack away: 10:30
Let’s have fun on trail and celebrate our lives and times together. Then afterward, we want to get together and celebrate the life and times of our Harriette, Boys R Us, Alicia Sanchez.
We are opening up the Pearl Necklace trail to anyone who wants to join (even boys).
The party starts after trail with others arriving at 1 p.m.
We are not allowed to bring our own drinks, but there will be food. Our hostess, Michelle Hughes, will provide two enchilada casseroles and sopapilla cheese cake (Alicia’s favorites). Tooth Fairy is making guacamole, and Sampler is bringing queso. You may decide to bring a snack or to chip in a few dollars for the facility and Michelle’s cooking.
Also bring pictures and stories of Alicia.
26 October 2019 World Peace Through Beer
Celebrate World Peace and World Beers
Meet: 2 p.m.
Pack Away: 2:30 p.m.
Hare: Sampler
Hash Cash: $7 to cover fancy imports
Location: Parking Loop on West Missouri Avenue where it intersects with Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.
West of Cliff Drive and South of Belvedere Park across from Pendleton Heights Apartments
39°06’35.1″N 94°33’47.2″W
39.109761, -94.563107
Near 455 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64106
Trail location is in a circle made for parking at the corner of Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard (formerly Paseo) and Missouri Avenue,-94.5631071&hl=en-US&gl=us
19 October 2019 Tumbling Dice Trail
Meetup 2pm. Rolling dice around 2:30pm
Starting location: The Blarney Stone, 3801 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64111
Tumbling Dice trail – hares determined at each beer stop by rolling the
dice. Hare can make it as long/short as they want. No hash cash. Pay
as you go/drink. So, if ya want a beer, buy one. Want a water, beg
the bartender for one. Usually three stops during a trail. Who the hell
knows where it’ll end, but it’s usually close to starting location.
Someone there will sorta run this shit show. In the end it runs itself.
13 October 2019 Chiefs Tailgate Hash
Chiefs Tailgate Trail #1496 (Chiefs vs Texans)
Where: Wyandotte County Lake / Shelter 7
Google Map link:
Coordinates: 39.164629, -94.778167
* Heads up: at this time street signs pointing to Shelter 7 are
missing, so use Google Map link or enter coordinates on a Map app to get
GPS directions to precise location.
When: Sunday, October 13, 2019
Time: Meetup 9:30a / Pack away 10a
Hares: Odor Eater and PMS
Details: Due to stadium security operations, we’re moving our annual
Chiefs Tailgate Trail to an offsite location. We’re bringing the party
to the ‘Dotte. We even acted like adults and rented the shelter!!
Expect a short trail around 2 to 3 miles, perhaps longer for eagles.
THIS EVENT IS FREE – includes beer/beverages and food! We’re probably
doing a weenie roast so get ready to shove copious amounts of tubed meat
into your Chiefs loving pieholes. A large screen television or two will
be setup to watch and cheer on our Chiefs vs Texans. Since we’re in a
shelter, THIS HAPPENS RAIN OR SHINE!! It has 4 oversize picnic tables
(each holds ten people), but bring a camp chair if you want something
more comfortable.
Our Chiefs Tailgate events are an annual
tradition, a way for the KCH3 kennel to say a “thank you” for all you
wanks who’ve helped and r#n trails with us over the years.