8 December 2018 12 Down-Downs of Hashmas

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

Hare: MammWich

6 tributes are making down downs.

When we get to a down down stop the first person there with a down down will set up the down down.

Santa Hat encouraged.
Hash Cash: $5
Location: Hy-Vee on 64th Street 5330 NW 64th Street, Parkville, MO 64151
There will be Circle beer.

May the odds ever be in your favor!

2:00 Meetup

2:30 Pack Away

Prepare your livers!

1 December 2018 Not for the Weak or Fainthearted Trail

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

Hares: Trolling for Trolls
Location: near 85th, Kansas City, MO 64154
Coordinates: 39.247535,-94.617310
Address: 8559 N line creek parkway, KC
Circle Up: 2:00 pm
Hares Away: 2:15 pm
Pack away: 2:30 pm
Hash Cash: $5

Trail starts at the entrance of LineCreek park near Primrose retirement community center:
8559 N line creek parkway, KC

Length: 4-5 miles
Shiggy: YES!

On-after: Brewtop

Map llink: https://goo.gl/maps/ZbHUd8jpf2v

24 November 2018 Family Friendly Trail in St Joseph

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

Gather the family for 3 miles of fun! You can run, jog, or walk. The trail is designed to get us all there at the same time. So walkers will go 3 miles or less while runners will have an extra mile or more.

Meet at 2:00 at the main parking lot at Hyde Park (between the pool and Hyde Park Avenue).

$5 per adult and older child, $3 per child under 10. This covers beer, shots, soft drinks, and treats. Please RSVP (about 20 people have already confirmed their attendance).!

There will be hills and Shiggy (wilderness) that you can bypass by taking the Turkey side of a Turkey-Eagle split. This will make the trail challenging but stroller/dog/bad knee friendly.

Wear running shoes and dress in layers if it’s cold.

The Hash House Harriers is a huge international “Drinking Club with a Running Problem.” We call ourselves “Hashers” and what we do “Hashing.” The name derives from the expression “Hash House,” which means divey restaurant/bar (where Hashers often meet) and “Harrier,” which comes from a British schoolhouse game called “Hare and Hounds” where the “Hare” lays a trail by dropping scraps of paper, and everyone else chases after, following the scraps.
At least as important as the trail, is the social aspect of Hashing.

The social draw is the unique way Hashers interact with one another. Regular hashers are given a Hash name and wear Hash attire “on trail,” so there is an element of classlessness and anonymity. This allows Hashers to participate as equals and dispense with “political correctness.”

There is always beer and other beverages on trail. We consume it before “On-out,” at Beer Stops along trail, and at “Circle” after trail where we make accusations and sing songs.

10 November 2018 Tanner’s Hash

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0
Location: Tanner’s Bar and Grill
Address: 12906 W 87th St Pkwy, Lenexa, KS 66215
Hares: Naked Rider / Just Scott
Circle Up: 2:00pm
Hares Away: 2:15pm
Pack away: 2:30pm
Hash Cash: $5
Map: https://www.google.com/maps?q=12906+W+87th+St+Pkwy%2C+Lenexa%2C+KS%2C+66215