2 April Heart-to-Heart Trail

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

It’s a scavenger hunt for beer and HEARTS!

Meet up 2:00 (or before)
Pack Away 2:30
Hash Cash $5
Hares Sampler & Naked Rider
Where Gilhouly’s Irish Pub 1721 W 39th St. Kansas City, MO 64111
Expect Shots, Shenanigan’s, and slight shiggy
Dog friendly except inside bar(s)

26 March Golden T*tties, Franken Girls Trail

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

Get ready for a hash with fossils, views, mud, and boobs!

Meet up: 1400

Hares away: 1430

Hash cash: $5

Where: Firefighter Memorial (Not the fountain on Penn Valley) at Blue River Road and East 87th St.

near 4142 E 87th St, Kansas City, MO 64132

T. U. R. D. friendly: oh yeah

Shiggy: 5/10?

20 March Ladies’ Only Pearl Necklace H3 Flour Day Trail

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

Open to all females.

On March 20th, World Flour Day recognizes the importance of flour in our daily diets and our health. I am sure whoever created this national day had no idea it would inspire me to pick up a trail without giving you ladies much notice.

Meet at the parking lot North of the address
Meet up 10:00
Pack Away 10:30
Hash Cash $10
Location 3601 Roanoke Rd, Kansas City, MO 64111
Hare Two Wall Bangers
On After @ Drunken Worm

Trail will be 2ish miles shiggy will be low compared to the Trail Frank N and I hared for KCH3 in January in Raytown and the weather will be much better!
Hash Cash $10
If I have enough flour to lay trail and bake I may figure out some treat for the pack so let me know if you plan to come so I have enough snacks and drinks! Sunscreen season is upon us!