30 May 2018 Mint Julep Day Hash

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KCH3 #1390 Hare: Sampler Location: Wallaby’s Bar & Grill 9562 Lackman Rd, Lenexa, KS 66219 Meet time: 6:15 pm Pack away: 6:30 pm Wear your Derby hat, and bring your finest Southern accent. Pre-Lube and on-after at Wallaby’s. Urban trail … Continued

23 May 2018 Wednesday Trail

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

Hares: Lick Van Fecal Where: Tower Park Address: 7500 Holmes Rd, Kansas City, MO 64131 Circle Up: 6:15pm Pack Away: 6:30pm Hash Cash: $5 and Bring Cash for a Beer Stop Lick is running a Wednesday Night Trail at Tower … Continued

19 May 2018 Old Fashioned Circle Jerk Trail

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

KCH3 #1387 Hares: Teenage Circle Jerk and Frankentitties Meet Time: 2 pm Pack Away: 2:30 or so Location: Sunnyside Park https://www.google.com/maps/place/38°58’42.8%22N+94°35’48.9%22W/@38.978565,-94.5976988,169m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d38.9785655!4d-94.5969133?hl=en   What to Expect: Circle Jerking Boobs, Dicks, whatever Water (bring extra shoes, shorts, shirts depending on how wet … Continued