5 August Two Tanks’ Tiki Death March

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

Meet up at 2:00

Hares away at 2:30 or whenever

Hash Cash $5

Location Tower Tavern 401 E 31st St, Kansas City, MO 64108

Hare 2 Tanks F**king

Another dog days of summer trail. Theme is Tiki: Hawaiian shirts, hopefully loud and kitschy. If you have a flabongo, bring it!

Extra beer if you bring a virgin!

Maybe it will be overcast, but think twice about bringing Fido – bars won’t like it so much.

Bring extra beer money in case we stop into a place or two with A/C.

Live trail, so of course it will be a shitshow! Expect a poorly planned, poorly laid trail. Just say’n.