6 March 2021 Cooter Trail

posted in: KCH3 Hashes | 0

1739 E 104th St Kansas City, MO 6413138.905485, -94.576761

Place: Blue River Park and Athletic Fields
Kansas City, MO 64131
Chalk talk: 1:45 p.m.
Hare away: 2:00 p.m.
Distance: 4 to 6 mi
Hash Cash: $5 ($6 if you’re drinking seltzers)
Bring: whistle, vessel, bug spray, face mask, change of socks and shoes
Shiggy level: 3-5
What to expect: shiggy, water crossings, all terrain
TURD friendly, but it’s supposed to be warm. So, bring water for your furry friend
Vibgins always welcum